The Respect Life Committee is a voice of justice which strives to protect the dignity and sanctity of life from the moment of conception to natural death. Volunteers promote life through educational and legislative activities, provide help and encouragement to women with unwanted pregnancies and provide assistance/support to unwed mothers and mothers in financial need.
We invite you to participate by:
Join in the daily pro-life rosary at all Masses;
Participate in the annual inter-faith Pro-Life Prayer Vigil each January in Troy.
Participate in 40 Days for Life, a six week period of prayer, fasting, and peaceful witnessing outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in St. Louis each spring and fall.
Drop maternity and baby items off at the rectory porch and place in the container to benefit our local Birthright office.
Participate in the Archdiocesan Lifeline Coalition collection to benefit many social agencies that benefit unborn children and women in crisis pregnancies.
Participate in Pro-Life quilting day, when area pro-life churches donate a quilt to be used as the main fundraiser for yearly pro-life activities.
Participate in the Archdiocesan "Friends for Life" collection to support our Archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate organization.
Participate on the third Saturday in the "Helpers of God's Precious Infants" Mass and rosary at the Cathedral Basilica.
Participate in monthly picketing of the Planned Parenthood offices, either at Mid-Rivers or in St. Louis.
Attend the March for Life in January in Washington DC.
Offer "Roses for Life" on Mothers' Day for all our living and deceased mothers.
Attend the annual Life Chain in Troy on the first Sunday in October.
Attend the annual spring lobby day in Jefferson City to support upcoming pro-life legislation.
Providing help with the pro-life float and volunteer at the pro-life booth at in the Lincoln County Fair in July.-
Attend the annual Pro-Life Convention in October to update on current pro-life issues.
Work a pro-life booth at our annual picnic.
Contact Carol Prinster 636-661-5858 or Bonnie Hackenewerth 314-520-8599 to volunteer or for more information