Student Body: We have 235 children enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year.
Security: Our building security procedures are regularly reviewed by our faculty and staff. All visitors must be admitted into our building by staff.
Mass: All students attend 2 times per week. Parents are always welcome to attend.
Celebration of Liturgical Seasons: Stations of the Cross, rosary, prayer services.
Technology Lab: All students visit the lab regularly.
Smart Boards & Computers in all Classrooms: All classrooms are equipped with a Smart board and computers.
Library: K-8 visits 2 times weekly.
Renaissance / Accelerated Reader: Very strong program. All levels of students are involved.
Standardized Testing: Grades 3-8 in September.
PE, Music, Technology & Art: Students have each of these classes throughout the week.
Field Trips: Teachers are encouraged to take field trips that pertain to a particular portion of the school’s curriculum.
Clubs & Organizations:
Math League (5-8)
ICOM Broadcast (7-8)
Student Council (7-8)
Choir (3-8)
Band (4-8)
Lunch: Hot lunch is served daily. Students have a choice of 3 entrees. Menus are published monthly and are on the Family Portal.
Recess: Students have both a morning and afternoon recess.
School Buddies: Our Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade students are paired with our Fifth through Eighth Grade students at the beginning of the school year. They help our younger students adjust to school situations, spend time with them at special events, take them to church and much more.
Birthdays: May be celebrated by students dressing down for the day. Students can bring treats for their classmates.
Soccer (PS-8)
Volleyball (3-8)
Basketball (2-8)
Golf (1-8)
Aide: As needed in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade.